The Dangers of Falling

May 21, 2020

Millions of senior adults fall each year resulting in death, injuries and health-related expenses. With increased longevity, many seniors are living longer with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart conditions and dementia-related issues. These conditions may require medication that plays a role in falling. The symptoms of the conditions themselves may also cause increased risk of falling.

The risk of falling can be minimized with some of these preventative measures:

- Review all medications and supplements that your senior takes. Determine whether any of the side effects could cause dizziness, changes in vision or other issues that could lead to falling.

- Help and encourage your loved ones to exercise often to build up strength and agility. Walking, chair yoga and tai chi are excellent options.

- Have the home evaluated by an occupational therapist to determine if there are specific areas that can be modified for better accessibility and prevention of falls. Installing rails, non-slip flooring and extra lights may be necessary.

- Plan for transitions carefully such as escorting your loved one to a vehicle.

- Monitor weather and alert your senior of ice, rain or other conditions.

- Evaluate the type of shoes your loved one wears to ensure proper fit and when not wearing shoes encourage the use of non-slip socks that have rubber grips on the bottom.

- Discuss fall prevention with your physician.

Fall prevention is injury prevention. At Stouffer Legal we care about our seniors. For more information on caring for your loved ones and to discuss any issues related to Elder Law please contact our office for an appointment at 443-470-3599.

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